
List of best side hustle for students in Nigeria

Best side hustles for students to make money

In order for students to pay for school bills such as school fee, food and lodging, they desire to have a side hustle to earn an extra income that will support them financially.

This also helps stop financial problems of both planned and unanticipated daily expenses at school, such as photocopying school papers and paying membership dues to student organisations to which they belong.

To make this simple; there are a lot of ever-increasing expenses students needs money for. In this case, many plan to have a side hustle that can support them financially, and not to depends solely on their parents for help.

Earning a side hustle income on top of their parents or sponsors offerings will ease the demand pressures on their parents and, most importantly, allow the students to saves.

Today, I’ll highlight the list of best side hustle jobs Nigeria students can do to earn an extra income on campus while still studying. Mind you, I’ll not include scholarships and grants; a support that comes directly from Government and school.

To save you the long story, here are best side hustles for students in Nigeria to make money:

1. Modelling

Modelling is one of the best side hustles for students in Nigeria schools to earn extra income. All that’s needed of you is to turn up for photoshoots targeted at promoting specific businesses and be paid.

However, Modelling is not a job you can dive into just like that. Because the industry has been severely distorted in recent years. In attempting to be a model, many people have been exploited. So, I recommend that you be very cautious when planning on becoming a model.

2. Baking and Pastries

This can be a big side hustle for students who studied catering craft service or home economics and dietetics in their high school diploma.

They can simply engage themselves with cake baking, buns production, doughnuts, meat pie/fish pie, chin-chin, popcorn, ice cream and youghurt, soya milk, custard powders, juice beverages e.t.c. in their high institution campus.

If you Baking and Pastries, you can produce dietetics as such and sell them to your colleagues in school campus or offering them to nearby canteens and supermarkets.

In addition to baking and pastries promotion, student can also offers their products for sales on Saturday Events and Sunday Church services.

3. Become a DJ

As a student who love music, you can simply turn your hubby into a passive income stream. Becoming a Dics Jockey in school will help you to earn extra income.

To become a DJ, there are several music apps or DJ applications that you can download and use for practice on your laptop.

However, if you don’t know how to DJ, you can follow professionals to outtings or take time to learn how to use the DJ application. 

In summary, this is a very lucrative side hustling business for students because DJs are always in demand for the school’s almost-daily parties and gatherings.

4. Photography

Photography is one of the most selling skills in Nigeria schools nowadays. Many academic institutions in Nigeria have an almost constant demand for photographs.

That has made the photography business one of the most lucrative side hustling business for students, and all you need to get started is a digital camera, no matter how modest it is.

In addition to making money with photographs, you can sell wonderful random photos of places and events on the internet such as stockimage or as an NFTs.

5. Online registration

99.9% of students visit school cyber cafe almost everyday. Also, as a student, you can also help other students with online registrations. Even if you don’t have a cyber cafe shop, you can start small and aim big.

If you’re an online genius, with a laptop and data access (internet connection), you can help students in your campus with online registrations and payments. 

Students usually visit school cyber cafe for scholarship applications, School fees payment, admission regularization, course registration, e.t.c. You can do just that with your laptop and charge a certain fee for it.

Online registration is indeed a lucrative side hustling business for student at the start of semesters and when there are a lot of prospective/new students on school campus.

6. Comedian and MC

Do you love to make people laugh? Why not become a school comedian and MC to earn extra income? If you do speak eloquently, then I think it’s time to learn the basics of becoming a Master of Ceremony on the internet.

People needs someone that will make events and gathering bubbles. Like DJs, MCs and comedians are also in high demand at occasions.

The most interesting part of this is that if you are successful at hosting an event, maybe at a school colleague or friend’s birthday party, you will definitely get referrals for new jobs.

7. Organizing Tutorial Classes

If you’re a genius in a particular course, why not organize a tutorial class for other junior students after lectures for a fee? 

Definitely, you can establish or organize tutoring classes aimed at junior colleagues, particularly first-year students in your department/faculty.

You can hold tutorial classes just on Saturday and Sunday evenings, and charge for each class attended. The tutorial classes can also be organized for secondary school students in your area.

You can also solve old exam and test question papers and sell them to students who are always searching for suitable materials.

8. Help students do their projects

This is another effective and lucrative side hustle business for undergraduate students to make money. All you have to do is research information what the students in your environment want and sell it to them.

You can help some students do their assignments, write their projects, e.t.c. Infact, if possible, you can help some sit for their course exams.

This business is lucrative for genius students because all students don’t have the same brain and some are not ready to focus. So they’ll have to go extra mile to pass their courses.

9. Sell Goods and products in school environment.

This just exactly like selling provisions to students in your area. All you need to do is research what the people in your campus want and sell it to them. It is possible for you to make money as a student selling almost anything in your school campus.

You can sell necessary school items like books and textbooks, outfits for students such as law or medical or engineering students outfit, electronic gadgets, and fashion items, among other things.

You can also sell stocks like foods, provisions, toiletries, e.t.c. like a provision store in your school campus. Learn how to become a wholesale provision seller and make money.

To maximize your earning potentials and advance your business, you can be delivering the goods and products to the doorsteps of the students for additional charges. Learn how to start a wholesale provision store and make profit.

10. Laundry service

Many students minds the way they look in school campus. According to one Yoruba adage “appearance talks alot about you”. However, despite the serious concerns of their appearance, yet many are too lazy to do their laundry.

This is where you make your money if you’re diligent and dedicated as a dry cleaner in school campus. It only takes a few hours of your time to do the laundry for other students, and they will continue to bring you more.

The good part of it is that you can employ a reputable person who’s not a student to help you manage the shop if it affects your study time.

11. Blogging

This is not an offline job, but it’s one of the ways students can earn money through side hustling. Although, blogging takes time before it yield but trust, it worth that time.

Actually, I don’t recommend you to engage yourself in blogging if you want fast money to solve you financial problems.

If you have excellent time management skills, you can try your hands on jobs that need you to work after school hours after you have completed your schoolwork. For example, a bar, a car wash, and so on.

Notwithstanding, blogging is still an effective, lucrative, and profitable business for students. You’ve probably heard of Linda Ikeji and how much money she makes from her blogging website?

Making money from blogging is no longer as simple as it once was, but if you have good mentorships, you can make alot from blogging as a student.

12. Sales representative

I believe everyone know what this means? However, this side hustle can only work if you have excellent time management skills. As a student, you can try your hands on jobs that need you to work after school hours after you have completed your school assignments. For example, a bar, a car wash, food seller and so on.


There are lots of side hustle business options for students to earn money. Here is quick recap of best side hustle for students in Nigeria to make money:

  • Modelling
  • Blogging
  • Dry Cleaning
  • Sales representative
  • Selling Provisions
  • Doing projects
  • Organizing Tutorial Classes
  • Doing MC and comedy
  • Photography
  • Offer online registration services

Hopefully, you’ve discovered a means to maximize your earning income while you’re studying for your degree or diploma at any university of your choice in Nigeria.

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Best side hustle businesess for students in Nigeria FAQs

Now that you know best side hustles for students in Nigeria to make money, I’ll answer a few common questions about side hustles for students.

How much can I make as a student doing side hustle businesess in school campus?

Depending on type of jobs you’re doing. As a sales representative, you can earn NGN25,000 per month. As a car washer working with a company, you can NGN1,500 per day.

Earning money as a student engaging in side hustles depends on the type of job you do in school campus.

What side hustles is most profitable for students?

Here are list of most profitable side hustles for students to make money:

  • Online registration
  • Tutorial classes
  • Food vendor
  • Laundry services
  • Helping other students to do projects and many more.

However, to decide on what side hustle to choose, note that, you must have the ability and skills to offer the service.

As a student, can side hustling affect my education?

Yes, side hustling can have negative impact on your studies. Although, if you have time management skills, you can try-out some side hustle jobs that’ll let you to work after school hours. For example, work in a bar, a car wash, and so on.

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