
Facebook business page : make the most of your Facebook business page

How to set up Facebook page for busineses

In this article I will explain how you can start making the most out of your Facebook business page. There are numbers of reasons why businesses should take advantages of Facebook page to grow there business.

Reasons for showing Facebook page

  1. According to Pew’s research, 68% of US adult use Facebook compare to 28% of Instagram which is the second most used social network by adults in US.
  2. Customers use Facebook to discover new product.
  3. US adult spend 25 minutes of there time on the platform.

Settings your Facebook page

  1. From your Facebook personal account, click on the arrow on the top right corner and select “create page” from the drop down list.
  2. Select category for your page
  3. Pick industry and fill the essential detail
  4. Upload recognition photos.

After setting up your business page, recognition is the next which comprises your logo and cover photo. Your logo and cover photo must tel more about your business.

Complete your profile which comprises your;

  • Description ; write a short description that describes your business.
  • Link ; input your website URL
  • Business hour ; make sure you set your business hour so that your customers can know your opening and closing hour.

Who are the target audience for your Facebook business page?

Who are your target?

That’s the next thing you should consider. Do research about how customers are researching and finding businesses like yours.

So, after you have research on whom your customers would be, its time to drive traffic to your website. Hubspot outlined some perfect strategies for building Facebook business page. Here it is ; 

  • Fill out your profile completely
  • Place Facebook “like” on your website
  • Invite exiting contact to like your page
  • Encourage employee to like your page
  • Be a valuable resources
  • Post frequently.
  • Post at the right time 
  • Do  more video
  • Go live
  • Ask customers opinion
  • Facebook ads ; it much easier to reach more audience by paid promotion on Facebook (Facebook ads)
  • Facebook messenger ; Facebook messenger is one of the best messaging apps.

Below are how to activate Facebook messenger on Facebook business page.

  1. Click settings at the top right corner of your page.
  2. From general tap ,Select message
  3. Save changes.

I recommend you to have a tools that will do interaction. That will brings your messaging section easy and fast interaction.

Facebook review ; it important to set Facebook review in Facebook page. It help to rank your goods.

Follow the below steps to activate Facebook review:
  • Click on settings
  • Select edit page at the left colomn
  • Scroll down to see “add a new button ” select it
  • Select “add tab” button next to review.

With these, you will start collecting reviews on your Facebook business page.

However, it’ss important to monitor the review constantly so that you can make changes especially when you get a bad review. For questions, let’s meet in the comments box below.

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