GMAIL for Android gets new “Easy-to-Use” Unsubscribe Button

Google has launched a new “easy-to-use” unsubscribe button to Gmail for Android users. This handy feature make it easier than ever to declutter your inbox and ditch unwanted emails.

Although, the “Unsubscribe Button“, already available on the web version, has been a sore spot missing from the mobile app for some time. But fear not, the wait is over!

The feature is currently slowly rolling out to users on mobile, so you may or may not have it yet. If you don’t see it, make sure the Gmail app is updated on your phone and then give it a few days.

However, if you have button already, you can simply tap on it to unsubscribe you automatically or direct you to the sender’s website to make the magic happen, depending on the publisher of the email.

No More Menu Diving: Gone are the days of hunting for the unsubscribe option hidden away in the overflow menu. The new button takes center stage, prominently displayed at the top of emails from promotional senders and newsletters.

With a single tap, you can unsubscribe with ease, banishing those pesky emails to the land of forgotten inboxes.

This new addition is a welcome improvement for Gmail on Android, bringing the mobile experience closer to the web version’s functionality. With the unsubscribe button readily available, you can reclaim control over your inbox and keep those unwanted emails at bay.

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