
Important: Your 2024 JAMB Exam Slip is Ready for Reprinting

Get ready for your JAMB exam hassle-free! Our guide simplifies the process, showing you step-by-step how to print your 2024 JAMB exam slip. Whether using the JAMB exam slip printing portal or the JAMB profile portal, we’ve got you covered. Plus, learn about the importance of having a printed copy and your options for multiple prints. Stay prepared and ace your exam with ease.

The 2024 JAMB examination slip for candidates who have successfully completed the recent JAMB registration and are preparing to take the 2024 UTME exams is now accessible for both printing and reprinting. This aligns with the previously announced date of April 10th, 2024, set by JAMB for the release of the slips to all candidates.

Printing or reprinting your UTME exam slip is crucial as it contains vital details such as your exam date, time, and venue. To assist you, here’s a detailed guide to effortlessly print or reprint your JAMB exam slip for the year 2024 UTME:

Method 1: Using the JAMB exam slip printing portal

Here’s how to go about using the JAMB exam slip printing portal:

  1. Visit the Portal [https://slipsprinting.jamb.gov.ng/PrintExaminationSlip] simply by opening your device’s web browser and navigate to the JAMB Exam Slip Printing Portal.
  2. Enter your details on the portal. You’ll be presented with fields to enter your JAMB Registration Number, email address, or phone number used during registration.
  3. Print or Save: Once you’ve correctly entered your details, click the “Print Examination Slip” button. Your exam slip will be displayed on the screen. Carefully review the information for accuracy. You can then choose to print the slip using your connected printer or save it as a PDF document to your phone for future reference.

Method 2: Printing through the JAMB profile portal

You can print your JAMB exam slip through the JAMB eFacility. Simply head over to the JAMB eFacility portal using your web browser and:

  1. Login: Enter the registered email address and password associated with your JAMB profile. Click “Login” to proceed.
  2. Locate the print option: After successful login, navigate through the portal’s options until you find something like “Print Main 2024 UTME Exam Slip.” Click on this option.
  3. Print or Save: Similar to the first method, your exam slip will be displayed on the screen. Double-check the details before choosing to print the slip or save it as a PDF.

What You Should Know

There is no restriction on the number of times you can reprint your 2024 JAMB exam slip. The process is entirely free, allowing you to make extra copies for safekeeping. Additionally, available methods; b that’s both of the aforementioned methods are valid for accessing and printing your JAMB exam slip. Select the method that best fits your preferences and convenience.

Reviews on Printing Your 2024 JAMB Exam Slip

By diligently following these steps, you should be able to effortlessly print your 2024 JAMB exam slip, ensuring you have all essential information for your exam day. Remember, it is mandatory to have a printed copy of your 2024 JAMB exam slip, so avoid waiting until the last minute to access it.

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