
Coincola P2P: Why You Should Join Coincola

Cryptocurrency money
Bitcoin note

Bitcoin (blockchain) Technology is rapidly growing in different countries across the globe. And many people are beginning to notice the relevance and important of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain.

Many countries, company and individual are adopting Cryptos and thier medium of exchange for good and services instead of using their local currency(fiat)

However,  some countries (most especially Africa continent) seems to be lagging in the technology because of the political authorities of the country that will not take the rist of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Technology Innovation.

So one company in Hong Kong(Coincola) brought the innovation to most country in the world but mainly focus their goal on Africa countries.

Coincola – person-to-person (p2p) Bitcoin platform

Coincola is a hong Kong base cryptocurrency company that aim to trustworthy trading and exchange for its user around the world.
Coincola is an OTC and Exchange cryptocurrency market place designed to offer the best Cryptos trading experience.
Its transaction fees make it unique among others.

Aims of coincola

To provide trustworthy trading among its user around the world
Coincola believed that BLOCKCHAIN Technology will improve secure banking and payment services in the nearest future ; transaction can be reverse on Blockchain Technology.
Coincola greatest mission is to connect the world to the new digital assets economy

Why choose coincola

Its transaction fees is superb

Coincola offer fast, secure and reliable trading services at competitive fees and exchange rates. 
Coincola charged 0.7% on advert placed on their platform once the transaction as been completed.
0.2% fees is charged on an exchange market and there is a fixed withdrawing fees.

Offers over the counter (OTC) trade.

In OTC marketplace, Coincola allow its user to use their local currency (fiat) to buy and sell bitcoin and any other coins.
This is done on a person-to-person p2p basis.

Exchange trade

Coincola offer Bitcoin BTC and Tether USDT as a base crypto to trade Etherium ETH, Litecoin LTC, and Bitcoin cash BTH

Exchange of Giftcard for BTC

This is the new feature requested by African to exchange their unused Giftcard with Bitcoin.
Hence, you can now buy BTC in Nigeria, Ghana and all Africa with Giftcard and Fiat. Other payment options are also available at coincola, such as, Alipay, Paypal, Cash app, Bank transfer etc.


Coincola provides multiple layers of security including SSL and cold storage, bank level encryption, ensuring that customers and user can trade with 100% reliability and confident.
They also ensure compliance using Kyc/Aml 

Mobile app

Coincola provide well functions mobile app for its user for better experience with exchange trade.

Comparison of coincola and paxful.

Coincola charged 0.7 transaction fee while Paxful charged 5%.
Coincola offer different kind of coins like Bitcoin BTC, Etherium ETH, Bitcoin BTH, Dash, Ripple, Tether USDT etc, while Paxful is a Bitcoin BTC platform.
Both uses mobile and web version for their platform.


So, what am I trying to say that cause the long read, Coincola, is the platform that bring trading of crypt I currencies at your door step. There special offers make em different among others.
Are you willing to join great team that are making huge profit from being trading at coincola?  If your answer is Yes! 
Kindly registered through the following link below. Why? Simply because it will give you opportunity to get free 0.0001btc after you complete your first trade.

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