
Top 10 Best Countries in Africa where Workers Earn Highest Average Salaries in USD

African country workers and average salary

Hello! I’ve curated and compiled a list of the top 10 countries where workers earn the highest average salary in Africa per month. This list was generated, curated and compiled using data from salary explorer, talkafracana and statista.

Morocco and South Africa are the highest paying countries in Africa. They top the list with average monthly salaries of $2,031 and $2,026 respectively.

However, do note that average salaries are different from minimum wage in Africa and are intended to serve as indicators, not comprehensive measures of a country’s economic well-being.

Inother words, average salaries in Africa differs from the minimum wage and are mainly intended to serve as indicators. Base on data retrieve from Salary Explorer, average salaries are calculated using feedback from respondents.

Researchers plus salary samples together, divide them by the number of respondents, and arrive at the average monthly salary. [Salary Sample + Salary Sample / Number of Respondents = Average Monthly Salary. However, average salary is generally a good indicator, it does not tell the whole story.

The minimum wage in Africa is the lowest salary a worker can earn in a given country, as stipulated by the law. Job employers are not permitted to pay employees less than the minimum wage. 

Hence, without no further story, the list below highlights the top 10 best highest paying countries in Africa with the highest average monthly salaries.

Here are top 10 African countries that pay the highest average salaries.

  1. Morocco: Morocco top the list in Africa with an average monthly salary of $2,031 USD. In 2017, Morocco were seventh with an average monthly salary of $402.41 in Africa, according to Talk Africans. But now, Morocco’s recent positive development has motivated the country to put more effort in it average monthly salary.
  2. South Africa: South Africa is the second on the list of highest paying countries in Africa with an average monthly salary of $2,026 in USD. Three years ago, the country were third in Africa with an average monthly salary of $1,188.89. South Africa also has the highest number of wealthy persons in Africa.
  3. Tunisia: Tunisia pay workers average monthly salary of $1,348 in USD. The country is located in North Africa and it inhabitants are whites.
  4. Kenya: Kenya is the fourth on the list with average monthly salary of $1,291 in USD. The country were not among the top 10 highest paying countries in Africa as of 2017. But now, Kenya push her limit to make life better for citizen.
  5. Algeria: Algeria is another white country located in North Africa. The country ranks fifth in the list of the top 10 African countries where workers earn the highest average monthly salaries, with an average monthly salary of $1,273 in USD.
  6. Namibia: Namibia ranks as sixth with an average monthly salary of $1,168 USD. The country were fouth on the list in 2017 with an average monthly salary of $753.73 USD. But today, Namibia is gradually moving forward.
  7. Botswana: This country is seventh on the list, with an average monthly salary of $1,000 in USD. No long story about Botswana, it’s just that it was no where be find on the list in 2017.
  8. Nigeria: Giant of Africa, Most popular Black nation on Earth, ranks eighth on the list with an average monthly salary of $814. Although, Nigeria were not among the top 10 five years ago. But due to economy problems and political instability in the country, people in Nigeria are still paid an average monthly salary of $814 United States Dollars.
  9. Ghana: Ghana follows closely with an average monthly salary of $748 in USD. Likewise Nigeria, the country is located in West Africa. Nigeria and Ghana are the only West Africa countries that could make it to the list of highest paying countries in Africa. Five years back, Ghana were 9th on the list with an average monthly salary of $313 USD.
  10. Uganda: Uganda is the 10th country in Africa to pay workers highest average salaries of $738 per month. This is another country our of east Africa to join Kenya on the list.

In summary, do to note that despite the fact that these African countries have high average monthly salaries, they still face income inequality and poverty challenges. The average salary is merely an indicator and should not be considered a comprehensive measure of a country’s economic performances.

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