
Expert’s Guide to Making Money from WhatsApp Voice Note on Status

Make Money doing WhatsApp Voice Note on Status

The question is; do you know you can make money doing WhatsApp’s Voice Note on Status? Although, it might seems awkward but don’t worry, I’ll definitely explore how you can setup a professional WhatsApp Radio Station.

Making Money from WhatsApp Voice Note on Status is definitely the new crude oil for everyone to mine. In this article, I’ll walk you through how to get started and equipment needed to helps you make money from WhatsApp Voice Note on Status easily.

Let’s get started!

What is WhatsApp Radio Station?

The WhatsApp Radio Station is an entertainment brand on WhatsApp social platform that share news and educate people. It was originally known as WhatsApp Radio Station, and presently, voice note on the app has been limited to 30secs, but trust me, you can do alot with that “just 30secs”.

In addition to WhatsApp Radio Station definitely, it’s a brand that functions like a regular radio station, but more like a Podcast. So, with that being said, what can I do under 30secs as a Podcaster?

Things to do under 30secs

You remember Instagram reels right? What about YouTube Shorts or TikTok videos? These social networking platforms allows user to upload a maximum of 1min video and 1min is equal 60secs.

Even with that, influencers are doing well. Which means you can definitely pass a message to your audience in under 30 secs using Voice on WhatsApp status.

Equipments required to Start a WhatsApp Radio Station

Here are some equipment you need to start a professional podcast on WhatsApp status:

  • Microphone
  • Speaker
  • Smartphone or Laptop

The Microphone will be used to record your voice, while the speaker will serve as the output for your WhatsApp voice note. Laptop or Smartphone will be used to carry-out the recording and editing.

How to setup a WhatsApp Radio Station

There are two ways to setup a WhatsApp Podcast. You can set up using your Laptop or via phone. Using a Laptop is more professional but expensive for beginners.

However, I will explore both ways to set up WhatsApp Radio Station and Make Money Online. Now, let’s start with the easiest setup using two smartphone.

Connect 2 Smartphones

This process is simple. You’ll need a wireless Bluetooth speaker. You can get one from nearest store or order it online from E-shop like Jumia.

Next, connect your first smartphone to the Bluetooth speaker, this phone will serve as the music player you would play on the radio station in the background, just like a Dick Jockey (DJ).

While the second smartphone will be used as a Microphone, to do the WhatsApp voice note podcast. However, you need to act as if you’re in a radio station to make it look professional.

Using two Smartphones to podcasts on WhatsApp is less expensive, and if it’s done right, you can expand your WhatsApp radio station business over time.

Use a Laptop

To start podcast on WhatsApp Status using Laptop might be expensive depending on your wallet. Because, this actually requires some expensive equipment including Microphone, Sound Card Speaker and a Laptop.

If you’re buying these equipment at low-budget starter pack, the estimated amount is calculated to N320,000. You can see a sound speaker around N120,000, a Mic for N50,000 and a Laptop for N120,000 upwards.

So, Using a Laptop and other equipments will give the best of your WhatsApp Radio Station; more like a professional Podcaster.

Hence, if you can afford all these equipments, and need a guide to set up for your WhatsApp Radio Station Business, then drop a request in the comments section using #WHATSAPP RADIO STATION.

However, If you are a Music producer or Beat maker or DJ, then connecting all the above devices would be easy for you. Once connected, then you can start your podcast on WhatsApp Status.

How to Make Money from WhatsApp Voice Note on Status.

It might not seems easy, but after this guide you should be able to start from scratch and build your podcast business using Whatsapp voice notes on Status. However, the actual question is “how do I make money from WhatsApp Voice Note on Status?”

Let’s get started!

Build a Brand

It’s important to build a brand around anything that is attractive to your targeted audiences or followers. This would make them remember you easily and you grow faster.

So choose a Brand Name, and design a brand logo for your business; it’s important. After choosing a brand name and logo, you also have to select a “Brand Voice”, that’s build a standout and irresistable voice among your competitors.

In essence, your WhatsApp Radio Station must standout among others. Create content that’s unique and memorable. Let people come back to your brand when they remember their experience with you.

Brand Voice

Brand voice is basically how a brand talks to its customers but for WhatsApp radio station, it’s how you talk to your audience who are listening to your Podcast note on status.

Brand voice is important to grow fast building your Brand, because it helps the brand connect with its audience on a more personal level. For instance, there are some Radio Station uses a friendly and casual tone, while some uses a more professional and formal tone.

A typical example of what I’m talking about is Wazobia who uses a pidgin brand voice. Meanwhile other radio stations uses a plain English brand voice. Another one is BBC pidgin and other online publication that uses plain English.

Now you understand right? Brand voice is just like the personality of the brand. When it’s used consistent in your WhatsApp Radio Station, it’ll helps to build trust and loyalty among your audience. It’ll also makes your brand seem more reliable and authentic.

Pick a Niche

A niche is a category to focus on. Picking a Niche is also important to build a reputable brand. However, you’ll have to choose one niche and stick to it. It helps you get recognized for one thing.

But if you want more than one Niche for your WhatsApp Radio Station, you’ll have to set a different time for each niche. For instance, you can fix Entertainment gist to  7 am to 10 am, Breaking News to 10:05 am to 11:00 am, Gossip to 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm and more….

You can also choose Education, Sports, Travel, Tutorial, Celebrities Reaction Talk, Motivation e.t.c. on your WhatsApp RADIO STATION.  However, it all depends on your Brand voice and what you good doing.

Build Audience

Now, it’s time to start growing your WhatsApp Radio Station Audience/Followers. To build a strong audience, you are going to maintain the same strategy as WhatsApp TV. 

This actually requires telling your friends to mention your WhatsApp Radio station on their status and a way for them to save your number. You can also run ads on WhatsApp TV to direct more audience to your WhatsApp Radio.

Now that you know how to setup your WhatsApp Radio Station and you’ve built your brand,. let’s dive to how to make money doing WhatsApp Voice Note on Status.

Ways to Make Money from WhatsApp Radio Station

There various ways to make money online through WhatsApp Radio Station. But just to mention the best and the most effective ways, here is how to make money from WhatsApp voice note on the status.

Brand Deals or Sponsorship

Brand deal is the promotion of company’s products on your WhatsApp Radio Station. Brands/companies reaching out to you to negotiate price for mentioning their products in your voice notes.

However, they may request your stats and that involves showing Brand your viewership and also conversion rate from other deals you might have done.

Selling Products

This involves making use of the WhatsApp voice note on status to market or promote product of yours or other people’s. You can also sign up on affiliate programs like the Jumia Affiliate program, Konga affiliate program, Coinbase and a lot more, to promote affiliate links.

To maximize your earning potentials selling products on WhatsApp Podcast, make an audio version of promoting that product or affiliate links.

However, do note that you’re running a WhatsApp Radio Station or Podcast, so you’d want to make use of other features like Text and videos. Using text or videos on your status won’t make your brand look like it’s running a WhatsApp Radio Station but a WhatsApp TV.

Teach people

You can teach other people how to start a WhatsApp Radio Station Business to make money. However, to mentor other people you must be a professional Podcaster on WhatsApp Status.

A lot of people are seeking for new ways to make money from different sources. So, teaching something like this will help them make money and also help you make money by teaching it for a fee.

However, do remember that we teach you for free. So, do not forget to give us Credit when teaching others.

We will update this article as we discover more ways to make money from WhatsApp voice note on status. So, I recommend that you bookmark this article or follow our Telegram Channel to get our latest update.

Conclusion: WhatsApp Radio Station Strategies

WhatsApp Voice Note on Status or Podcast on WhatsApp Status, is a new way to make money on social media. And in here, we’ve talked about about how you can build a brand (WhatsApp Radio Station) and make money from WhatsApp voice note on status.

Remember, you can make money from all social platforms. But it depends on how you make the social media network work for you. But this article will help you become a professional monetized WhatsApp Radio station.

For more details and information, please feel free to use the comments box below. Can’t wait to see your brandable WhatsApp Radio Station. Enjoy your makings and I wish you success. Cheers! 

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